Thursday 12 June 2014

Gym Behaviour - Strange or Normal

Although this isn't my usual fashion type post, for a while now, I've been wanting to talk about the strange people I see at my gym (Fitness First, Select City Walk). I am usually the type who doesn't talk to anyone at the gym. I sort of come, sweat it out like a pig, and then go home. My gym gear includes mainly Nike Dry Fit clothes paired with a pair of Nike shoes. Relatively simple. I don't wear any make up unless I'm going in the evening and I'm hitting the gym straight from wherever I've been or something and that too is pretty much kohl/eye liner.

But in the last year or two, I regularly see women, who come to the gym close to noon, and are working out will full make up. I'm talking foundation and lipstick (bright red lipstick to be more specific). Is that normal? Am I some sort of mutant from outer space (sweaty hair sticking to my face, sweat dripping down my nose)? Or are these women completely bonkers for clogging their pores during their workouts? It is something I am really trying to understand. Even if you're heading for your workout straight from work, it is never advisable to have make-up on during your workout because your skin can't breathe. It's always good to keep gentle wet wipes in your purse so you can just wipe your face off before breaking into a sweat.

Make up aside, Sometimes people workout in the strangest of shoes. I once saw a woman at the weight training area, wearing a really nice gym suit paired with Tory Burch flats! I was a bit shocked. There she was in her Tory Burch flats, leisurely lifting dumbells and chatting with her personal trainer. How extremely bizarre.

Another weird thing I've noticed. The use of cell phones whilst working out. Again, the geek that I am, I usually put my phone in the locker unless it's an iPhone and I have my running music on it. You see the point of working out is to focus on what you're doing. You cant be distracted. For one, if you're running at 10kmph you might fall down, and really I mean when you're training, how can you focus on your posture if you're yapping. I've seen women stroll on the treadmill whilst gossiping away and talk about evening plans in the midst of a lame attempt to weight train. 

Also, I often wonder how long can you actually be at the gym for. Sometimes I end up being at the gym for about an hour and a half if I have a training session post my 6k run. However, I've seen people who are chatting with some friends in the coffee area when I'm about to start my workout, all dressed up (my guess is they're done with their workout) who are still hanging around after I'm done! So lets say they worked out for about an hour, took twenty minutes to get ready, then chilling for an hour and a half if not more (they're still hanging after I've left). In total, three hours spent at the gym. I seriously have better things to do in life than to sit and socialise at the gym for that long!

So, what do you think about this? Strange or Normal?

Until the next time,


  1. Strange and how. Though very normal for a certain kind who live in Delhi #haanhaanmeincrazyhoon

  2. Hahahahaahahahah. A friend of mine told me that in the men's changing room, the boys discuss property deals in towels! hahahahaahahah so delhi or should I say #sodelhi lol
