Friday 26 April 2013

Lanvin Lovin'

Those who know me know my love for Lanvin, or better yet, Alber Elbaz. So when I came across these adorable printed accessories with quirky sketches on them, I knew I had to order them. My favorite was the hardcover notebook (I ordered it instantly and have already started using it for my notes!). Next up on my “to order” list is the ipad cover and the exquisite wooden Russian dolls to further beautify my work desk and my beloved ipad. With a hectic summer that includes a LOT of travelling, (courtesy the husband and all that damn cricket) I definitely NEED the luggage tags too; how else will I identify my luggage from that of others?!

P.s you can order them from net-a-porter.

Lanvin Accessories
Lanvin Accessories

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